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 Teacher and Staff Appreciation

This committee works to show our Franklin teachers how much we appreciate their kind efforts with our children each and every school day!



Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is May 6 - 10

Thank you to all who donated gift cards and signed up for food/supplies for this week.


Thank you to all who donated gift cards and signed up for food/supplies for this week.


REMINDERS: (Non-dessert) Food/Drinks/paper products are to be dropped off Monday (May 6) or Tuesday (May 7) in the office.

DESSERTS/COOKIES can be dropped off Thursday (May 9) or Friday morning by 9 am (May 10).


 Let's show our teachers/staff how much we appreciate them. Have your child fill out some "FAN MAIL" for our SUPERSTAR STAFF! Print the Fan Mail Sheet and have your child bring it in to their teacher(s)/FES staff.


We couldn't have done this without all of your support.


Please contact Ashley Bernardo (, 724-263-0876) or Amanda Simon (, 724-493-5781) if you have any questions or would prefer to drop items off at our homes.




During Staff Appreciation Week, the NA Foundation would like to recognize staff members who go above and beyond for our students. From April 29 through May 17, the Honor Someone Special program is offering two options to say "Thank You" to the special people in our students' lives.

For a $10 donation to the NA Foundation, a certificate and note of thanks will be delivered to your Someone Special. For a $50 donation, a $5 gift card to Conmigo Coffee will be included and $10 will go directly back to the school where the staff member works. All certificates will be delivered the week of May 20.

The form is open now and can be found here:

Want to learn more about the NA Foundation? Visit